Week 3: Man used to have one rule-Don't eat from the Knowledge Tree-But man broke this rule causing him to lose relationship with G-d. Man broke the one rule and was kicked out of the Garden and had to work from out there and he was kept out of the garden by angels, which Hashem knew would never disobey him. Here we learn man is not perfect, but he can't go around doing whatever he wants and violating Hashem's rules
I would like to add to Racheli's post. Adam and Chava did more than break G-d's one rule. They tried to hide from G-d. They refused to acknowledge the fact that G-d is everywhere and sees everything. They didn't take responsibilty for their actions when G-d tried to make them admit their sins. They blamed everything on someone/something else. They took advantage of what G-d had given them when they ate from the Tree of Knowledge. For this they were kicked out of the garden and forced to grow their own food. Yes, we do learn that man is far from perfect, and we must not only prevent ourselves from violating Hashem laws, but we must also first acknowledge the fact that G-d is omnipotent and has given everything we have.