Monday, September 19, 2011

A Changed Reality

We see in the end of Perek Gimmel that the reality of the world has changed as a result of the actions of the actions of Adam and Chava. The snake went from being a "respected" creature to being a hated one because he put a barrier between the man and the woman. The woman was supposed to be an "ezer k'negdo" for the man. Instead, she caused him to sin. Therefore, she will now desire him, but he will rule over her. The man was put in the Gan in order to do his job "l'avodah ul'shamra"- to work and to protect the garden, but now he is sent out because he can no longer be trusted to do what he' supposed to do in the garden and the garden has to be protected from him.

S'char V'onesh
Because of what Adam and Chava did, the concept of reward and punishment was introduced into the world. We see that the punishment that was given was a direct consequence of the actions.
  1. Man needs clothing now because he realized that he was naked after eating from the Etz HaDa'as.
  2. Man names and rules over his wife because she tricked him and caused him to sin.
  3. The adama aspect is emphasized rather than the B'Tzelem Elokim aspect.
  4. Instead of protecting and working the land in the garden, man is banished and the keruvim (angels) are put there instead because they don't even have the free will to disobey HaShem. (The garden had to be protected from man because he cannot be trusted there.)
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