Wednesday, September 14, 2011


In Perek Aleph, the world was created. In Perek Bet, everything was given a purpose. In Perek Gimmel, Adam and Chava gained the qualities, that led to mans downfall. There are common qualities that humans have, that prevent Mashiach from coming. In this Perek, many of these qualities are introduced. Chava and Adam violated Hashem's commandment which led to them making another mistake, when they tried to hide from G-d. They don't see G-d as the ruler of the universe, who is omnicient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. They see Him as someone they can hide from, and if He can't find them then they won't be punished. The quality of embassment is also introduced this Perek. After they eat from the Tree of Knowledge, they become embarassed that they are naked. Though, at this time the embarassment didn't cause any major sins, today embassment causes people to do things that aren't exactly right. People don't want to be embarassed, so they succomb to peer pressure, which could mean doing drugs, drinking, stealing etc. Another new quality that is introduced here, is the childish act of not accepting the consequences of your actions. When Hashem tells Adam that he has sinned and disobeyed His orders, Adam quickly blames Chava. Chava then blames the snake for tricking her into sinning. These actions cause a lack of respect and trust between Adam and Chava, and between Adam, Chava and Hashem. Desire is introduced when Chava suddently wants the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. All of these qualities that were introduced in this Perek not only led to the downfall of Adam and Chava, but these are issues we are still dealing with now, and that we have still not been able to get rid of.

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