Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Today in class we learned a little bit about the power of jealousy. Jealousy is such a strong emotion. We see by the woman (she is not given a name yet) that jealousy was so strong that it overcame her better judgement. The woman got so jealous of the divine-ness of G-d that she just had to be a part of it, and eat from the tree. Then she wanted man to be part of it. She let down her guard and allowed the snake to convince her into doing something against G-d's commandments. In addition to that she did not just simply confess to doing something wrong, no instead she hid from the all powerful G-d.
I think this poses an amazing lesson for all of us. Besides for the fact that man and woman gave into jealousy and sinned, which is bad enough, they tried to cover it up. All of us have sinned in our past. Even if its just being a little mean to someone, we have all done it. Especially now with Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur coming up in just a few weeks we need to not hide from G-d because that will just not do you any good, but rather we need to ask for forgiveness. Who know maybe if woman lived up to her sin, the punishment would not have been so bad for her.
I think it's important for us to remember that G-d is our friend. We might make mistakes and sin along the way, but in the end all he wants is for us to be nice human beings. He is here to help us and would probably rather not punish us if He does not have to.
With that I think we should use woman as an example of why we should not sin. And if we happen to do something wrong as G-d for forgiveness instead of just trying to cover it up.

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