Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Failed Teshuvah

After Adam and Chava try to hide from G-d, you would think G-d would be so angry that before even letting them even try to explain themselves, he would punish them severely. This, however, is not the case. G-d sounds like He is mocking them when He says,"Who told you that you are naked?" and "Have you eaten from the tree from which I commanded you not to eat?" At this point, what most don't realize is that G-d is giving Adam a chance to own up to what he did and do Teshuva. Hashem is being more merciful then we realize. He has not already decided on how He will punish them. He is giving them a chance to minimize their punishments and return to G-d. Instead of taking this opportunity, Adam blames his wife, only to make matters worse for him. Chava does the same, and instead of confessing her sins and trying to make amends, she blames the snake. This could have been the first act of Teshuva, but instead it ends in Adam and Chava receiving the first ever punishment. We also see that G-d never asks the snake any questions. The snake doesn't get a chance to do Teshuva or admit to his sins. The snake is a part of nature, and was not created in the image of G-d, like Adam and Chava were. Therefore, he does not get the priviledge of being able to repent and be forgiven.

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