Monday, March 26, 2012


So I think (emphasis on I think) we are coming to the end of our story sometime soon. Here is a short flashback to one part of the story from before.
Esav married a C'naani woman at the age of 40 just like Yitzchak did. Rivkah and Yitzchak were both very upset about who Esav chose to marry. Yitzchak called Esav because he wanted him to make a meal to eat and then bless him. At this point we dont really know if Yitzchak is giving Esav THE bracha or just a bracha in general. Then Rivkah over hears her son and husband talking and quickly intervenes. She call her other son, Yaakov, and comes up with a plan. Rivkah tells Yaakov to get a goat and she will cook it just like Yitzchak likes it. He will put on fur and Yitzchak will bless him instead of his brother. Rivkah thinks she is going a good thing because she got the initial prophecy. Yaakov protests a little because he does not want to trick his father. In the end Rivkah convinces him by saying she will take the blame for it all. Yaakov goes and gets the goat. While Esav is in the field still, Yaakov goes to his father with the meal and his fur on, wanting the bracha. Yitzchak then touches "Esav", speaks to him, and hears him just to make sure its really Esav. Because of the fur he felt like Esav and also smelled like him. The only thing that was off was how he was speaking. "Esav" said that he got back to quickly because Hashem sent him the animal. The real Esav would never speak that way...EVER. Yitzchak was a little put back but overlooked it and proceeded to bless Yaakov. He is bless with the dew of the sky and the fat of the land, nations will bow to him, he will be stronger than his brother, the son of his mother will bow to him, those who cure you will be cursed and those who bless you will be blessed. Yaakov leaves after his bracha and then comes Esav. He stands in front of his father wanting his bracha but Yitzchak just trembles. He realizes what he has done. For some reason, we dont know, Yitzchak just trembles. Esav still gets a bracha. This one is where he dwells there will be fat on the land and he will have the dew of the sky, he will serve his brother, he can be free, and when his brother is up he will be down and when his brother is down he will be up. Esav is very mad about this whole situation and wants to kill his brother for stealing his bracha (which we still don't know if it was THE bracha). Rivkah was very protective over her son Yaakov but she doesn't raise that concern with her husband. Yitzchak gives the wrong son a bracha and then ends up giving Yaakov another blessing of not marrying a Cnaani woman, fruitful, multiply, nations come from him, and the promise of Avraham. Yaakov gets Esav's blessing plus another one and then flees for his life. Esav and Yaakov seem to have a horrible brotherly relationship, with trickery, no love, and hatred. Esav now looks bad because he is the one who wants to kill Yaakov (even though he has somewhat of a good reason). He marries a Cnaani woman and then married someone from Yishmael. Now Esav seems like the bad character.

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