Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Relationship between Rivkah and Yitzchak

Rivkah and Yitzchak have a different relationship than Sarah and Avraham did. Rivkah comes from a very immoral and unethical family and Yitzchak comes from a family that strives to be moral and ethical. When Rivkah sees Titzchak doing something she disagrees with, instead of confronting him like Sarah had done with Avraham, she finds a different way to contradict her husband. She does this because she feels like she is on a lower spiritual level than Yitzchak.


  1. The relationship between Yitzchak and Rivka was just like of one a student and a teacher. The student always reveres and respects the teacher, where the teacher may "love" the student. Furthermore, the student may have qualms about standing up to the teacher or contradicting them in any way. We see this very clearly in the relationship between Yitzchak and Rivka. Rivka felt that Yaakov was so spiritual and FAR above her own level. Because of this, she never felt totally comfortable coming to Yitzchak with her problems (like her baby/babies kicking). Also, she took a slightly more withdrawn but active role and ensured that the correct son recieved the birthright.

  2. I agree with Sarah's explanation of Rivka and Yitzchak's relationship. If Rivka hadn't felt so insecure, then these stories would be completely different. If Rivka had told Yitzchak about the 2 nations inside of her, or about who she thought should get the blessing, then Yitzchak could have helped to make things right. We will never know how things would have turned out if Rivka had spoken to Yizchak, but we do know that it would have had some kind of effect. She should have realized sooner that she must have been on a pretty high level if G-d and Avraham thought that she was worthy enough of being Yitzchak's wife.

  3. We learned recently that Yitzchak did plan on giving both Yaakov and Eisav brachot, and that Yaakov was meant to be given Birkat Avraham, the blessing of spirituality and zerah and aretz. Eisav was supposed to be given the political and material succes. The idea was for both sons to rule together with their own strengths. If Rifka and EIsav had actually talked, perhaps this would have happened and many situations would have turned out for the better, but then again, maybe not. Nevertheless, communication is a key factor in a relationship, and if there is a lack of communication, things definitely can and will go wrong.
