Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rabbi Finkelstein's שלוש סעודות Speech פרשת חיי שרה

This שבת at שלוש סעודות at Anshei, Rabbi Finkelstein spoke about how the תורה never mentions אברהם with his family after he left until he sends אליעזר back to find a wife for יצחק. The תורה talks about him a lot with regards to his other friends that didn't believe in 'ה, but never with regards to his family. The reason is that after אברהם left his father's house, there was still a chance that he might return to the way he had been raised if he was allowed to interact with his family. His non Jewish friends would not pull him back, but his family might. The only time the תורח mentions anyone from אברהם's family, even the ones that believed in 'ה is יצחק at עקידת יצחק, because he is the one being bound. Once עקידת יצחק took place, אברהם proved that his commitment was so great that meeting his family again would not pull him or his wife and household back in any way. Therefore, אברהם could sent אליעזר back to his old home to find a wife for his son. One of the reasons that יצחק had not gotten married until now is that אברהם had not yet passed that last test. Until then, he had not proven himself to be on a level that interacting with the other part of his family would not pull him or his household back with regards to their dedication to 'ה.

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