Tuesday, November 8, 2011

G-ds "mistake"

We learned that Hashem has to destroy the world and 'start over' when man sins. We normally think Oh, G-d made a mistake, then forget about it. I think that it wasn't a mistake, but intentional. I have two reasons. The first reason is Hashem wanted to give written instructions, but if He started with them, man wouldn't see a justification to follow them. Once people sin and don't know how to act, man knows we need the instructions. The second reason is Hashem wanted man to know making a mistake is inevitable. If you make a mistake there is a way to fix it. Just do what you can!


  1. I totally agree with Emunah. Like she said, it is very important to understand that everything Hashem does has a purpose. If we started out with instructions, people would rebel because they might think as the snake did--Hashem is keeping man suppressed so that He can retain power. After so many generations of rebellion, the "written code" for morality makes perfect sense. To add to the second reason, I think that it would have seemed very out of place if Hashem had given us the written code at the beginning and then recognized that man has a tendency to sin before he actually committed the crime. Actually, the way that events happened makes the most sense.

  2. 2 things I just wanted to mention:

    I don't think it's right to say that we just say that HaShem made a mistake. We know that everything happens for a reason. We just have to try to figure out what the reason is.

    Secondly, Sarah, we see that there is no set order in the torah. The fact that it happens where it does means something. If it was somewhere else in the torah, it would mean something else entirely and there would be so many commentators that would go crazy over it with possibilities of why it would be in one place and not the other. We know that there are many places in the torah that the order of the information confuses us. I don't think that the reason that the events happened in the order they did was because it makes more sense one way or the other.
