On Shemini Atzeres, Sarah and I were at Anshei with the people that came to visit from TorahTours in New York. Rabbi Finkelstein said that we should all merit to sit in the sukkah of the Levyasan. I was confused. I thought a Levyasan was a big fish. All I could picture was a huge whale from the inside- just big ribs hanging inside the skin over a small wooden sukkah. Then I thought, how would you be able to sit and see the stars from in there? Through the blowhole? And why is it so special that we should merit to sit there?
Sarah and I asked someone how that could be possible, and she answered us by taking a Tanach and showing us a Rashi. (It's a Rashi on Perek Alef Pasuk Chaf Alef if anyone want's to check it out) The Rashi said that when HaShem created the world, He created two HUGE fish. They couldn't both remain on earth because their children would be too big and there would not be enough space on earth. The male remained on earth (it's possible it is now known as the Loch Ness Monster) while the female went to Shamayim. It's said that all the great Tzadikim merit to sit in the sukkah inside of the female levyasan.
So I guess we should all hope to merit to sit in the sukkah inside of the levyasan!
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