Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yaakov really has changed so much over our studies! From being naive, non-confrontational person to someone who stands up to his father in law. Yaakov had to run away in the first place because he did not want to confront Esav after stealing his bracha. It is understandable that Yaakov was afraid of being killed, but still he chose to run instead of facing what was in store for him. Anyway, he runs away. Fortunately for him he runs into a well where his future wife is. Yaakov puts up a very impressive face. He lifts this huge rock alone, which other shepherds had to come together in order to move. Then he "waters" his sheep and places the rock back in place. Rachel runs back to her father, Lavan, and tells him all about what she saw. He then invites Yaakov into his house, but Yaakov has a condition, only if he can marry Lavan's daughter Rachel. Lavan agrees in return of 7 years of labor. At the end of these 7 years Yaakov gets married to who he thinks is Rachel, but really it is Lavan's other daughter Leah. Yaakov is very mad, but agrees to work 7 more years in order to marry the real love of his life, Rachel.
They get married and all is happy. Until Leah starts having children. Rachel was baron and could not have any. She was worried that Yaakov would love Leah more because she was able to have children. Bilha has some kids and Leah has some more and finally Rachel also has. Yaakov then decides it is time to return home. He goes to speak to Lavan, but he just convinces Yaakov to stay and work longer. Yaakov makes a deal that he would get all of Lavan's spotted sheep. It was not time for Yaakov to make a fortune after he had made one for Lavan. Lavan agrees to giving him all the spotted sheep. Yaakov makes a fortune for himself and packs up all his family and belongings and heads out. During their travels, they decide to set up camp and rest. Lavan finds out about them leaving and runs after them. When he catches up to them he is infuriated. Lavan accuses Yaakov of taking his idols. Rachel was really the one who took them, but Yaakov had no idea about it. Rachel sits on top of them in her tent when Lavan comes to check and claims she is too sick to get up. Lavan is also upset that Yaakov ran away with his daughters. Yaakov gets very mad and yells at Lavan before sending him back home.
There are so many parallels. Rachel who used to be loyal to her father has just tricked or hid something from him. Yaakov has grown so much as a person. He is now able to face the problems in front of him instead of backing down. Yaakov is also finally ready to go back home and face those problems that await him.

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