When Yaakov sets out for Charan, he is alone and penniless. His mother had to force him to leave because he was not ready to confront his brother, Eisav, who had made it his mission to kill Yaakov. While Yaakov remained in exile (Charan) he had to develop as a person so he could one day be the leader that he was destined to become and become able to finally confront his brother; so Yaakov did just that. He married Leah and Rachel only after being tricked by their manipulative father, Lavan. At this point he still was not ready to confront Lavan. Yaakov became the father of many children, but only after his favorite wife, Rachel had a child was he ready to leave Charan. Lavan, manipulative as ever, convinced Yaakov to stay, but as part of the deal, Yaakov would get all of the spotted and speckled sheep that came out of Lavan's white sheep. With help from G-d, Yaakov discovered how to make the speckled and spotted sheep multiply fast causing him to be instantly wealthy. G-d finally told Yaakov it was time to return home. On the way, Lavan accused Yaakov of stealing his idols. Here Yaakov's development is evident. He stands up to Lavan and tells him that everything he has was given to him by G-d/due to G-d's help. This confrontation proved that he was ready to confront his brother and be a great leader for Bnei Yisrael. He had fulfilled his mission.
In class we focused on the growing and developing as a person Yaakov did while he was in Charan. Although, by looking at the chiastic structure we made in class, you can see that Rachel also did some developing and growing of her own. When we first meet Rachel in Perek 29 she's daddy's little girl. As soon as she sees Yaakov, she runs to tell her father that he is there. She even stays loyal to him throughout the entire wedding-trickery incident. She knew that her father was tricking Yaakov and probably also knew that what de was doing was immoral; yet, she stayed loyal to him. After Yaakov and Rachel got married, Lavan continued tricking and manipulating Yaakov. It took time but Leah and Rachel finally realized how immoral Lavan's actions were, especially towards their husband and they were no longer loyal to him. Rachel's actions later on prove how much she had deviated from the path of being daddy's little girl. Rachel stole her father's idols. She even lied to him so he could not find them.
Rachel and Yaakov both went through major changes during Yaakov's time in Charan. Yaakov could not return home without having grown and developed like he did. Rachel's development and growth is much less noticeable, but also necessary. She had to recognize how immoral Lavan was so she could grow into the role model she is for all Jews.
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