Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Eisav's Reaction

Eisav's reaction to being told that Yaakov had stolen his bracha was not a good one. He said that he was going to kill his brother. However, is he truly unjustified? Firstly, at this point he is probably feeling angry and betrayed. His twin brother just took the one thing that he had going for him, his one connection to his father's way of life and even his father after death. Not only did Yaakov take it from him, he took something that cannot be given back. He may also be feeling a little left out because now that Yaakov has the bracha, what is left for him? He had no real connection with his mother and now his father is dying. He will have nothing to remember him by. He is also thinking over the deal he made with Yaakov when they were younger. In his anger he is not thinking clearly and so is trying to find a way to pin his frustration on his brother. Succeeding in doing this serves only to make him more frustrated and say something he may have never said otherwise. Maybe he meant it then, but did he really want to go through with it later? Maybe, maybe not. It could be that circumstances forced him to continue his hatred and misunderstanding of his brother. We will never know.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with Alex. Unless we are put in a similar situation to that of Esav, we will never truly understand his pain and loss. We can talk about it in the classroom, but we will never really be able to feel the way he felt when Yaakov stole "everything" from him. Also, the fact that a lot of commentaries paint him as a truly evil character leaves little room for compassion. I do feel sorry for him. Maybe after the anger subsided, he would rethink his hatred of his brother and start on his own path. Like Alex said, we will never know.
