Sunday, October 30, 2011

Man's True Nature

As we learned in class, the generation of the flood was violent and lacked recognition of the natural order of things. Since they were violating the natural plan established for them in Perek 1, Hashem decided to destroy the world and start again from Noach's family. Along with this action, Hashem recognized that man has a יצר הרע and will sin. Despite this, Hashem vowed never to destroy the entire world again on account of man's misdeeds (ברית). Because the assumed morality obviously didn't work, Hashem made a ברית with all of humanity and created the "שבע מצוות בני נח" as guidelines for man's behavior. Man's role is now to act "בצלם אלקים" as defined in the seven commandments for all of humanity.

Hashem knew the true nature of man. He completely created us and the world we live in. Therefore, it only stands to reason that He knows the motivations for our actions. The sins of the generation of the flood came from their lack of morality. They killed and stole from each other, they were corrupt, and they mated with animals. The creation of the שבע מצוות בני נח proves that man needs more guidance than: "Here is your role in the world. Now go and fulfill it." These seven commandments apply to the entire human race. They are the guidelines on how to be a moral and ethical person. Other religions use this as their foundation. Judaism takes it (several steps) farther. We are the chosen nation and we are expected to act even more morally and ethically than others.

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