Tuesday, October 11, 2011


In בראשית we see the word "תולדות" used many times. Before you read בראשית you may ask yourself: "what does this word mean?" This word can have many different meanings it can me the stories or accounts of-where it would tell a story about someone or it can mean the children of-where it means like a genealogy list. We also learned that sometimes בראשית is called "ספר תולדות" and you probably ask why is it called this? We learned that mainly in בראשית when it says תולדות it is talking about stories or accounts of (here a child can be born and that can just be an account of that person) and only a few times if it the children of where most of the section is a genealogy list of that person. בראשית is sometimes called ספר תולדות because the whole Sefer is either a story of someone or a genealogy list of someone.

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