Sunday, October 2, 2011


With Rosh Hashana finished a matter of hours ago and now in the midst of a fast day, what we are learning in class about Adam and Chavah can be connected to all that has happened. All G-d wants us to do is repent and be good children. He does not want to punish us nor does he want to keep us in exile. From the article we all read I got out of it that G-d is put into a position where He needs to punish us. If He did not punish us and set us straight, the world today would just be running around crazy! G-d gives us numerous opportunities to do teshuva. We should take every single one and use them to do just that. To repent and right our wrongs. We are lucky in a sense that we have all these opportunities because Adam and Chavah did not G-d gave them one chance to confess and forgive them. Instead of confessing which might have lessened the punishment, they decided to lie/hide. We are so lucky that today and throughout this whole time we can right our wrongs. Confess to G-d like Adam and Chavah should have done. Who knows what the world could have been like if they would have just come clean and told G-d the truth. And who knows how our doing teshuva now could impact or change the future.

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