So why the different responses? I can't tell you what the correct answer is, but I will give my own answer.
First, Avraham spent most of his life as the only person who believed in G-d and didn't worship idols. He believed in one omnipotent G-d, but he never had any solid proof so that he could tell himself, even if others didn't believe him, that his beliefs were true. When G-d first spoke to him, the last thing he would want to do is do anything that could "offend" G-d or show any lack of trust in Him. Yaakov, though, wanted more than just a promise for the future, he wanted a promise that would ensure his safety now. (Although that might seem selfish, it is a part of human nature to want that kind of security and protection.) Avraham had had a pretty awful childhood (his father let the king throw him into a furnace), so you could imagine he was hoping his descendants wouldn't have to endure the same things he did. Yaakov, who was raised while learning about G-d and dealing with the unpredictable Eisav, he was worried about the future and the Now. Therefore, he had to confirm that G-d was going to protect him the whole way, and not just his descendants.
It is also important to remember that the patriarchs were not just normal people like everyone else. They did things many times for reasons that either we can't always explain now, or because they had a different view of the world and G-d that we are not privledged enough to be shown. That is important to keep in mind when dealing with holy people like them becausse we sometimes try to compare them and they actions to those of modern people in modern times and we really can't; they were on a completely different level so it is very hard to judge that sort of thing.