Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Avraham's Modeh Ani

Every morning we say modeh ani, thank you Hashem for returning my soul to me. This prayer is thanking Hashem for giving us a chance to return to life and have another chance to do what He wants us to do. When Avraham left his house at the beginning of this parsha, he also got the chance to start again. He left behind his father and idols and went about spreading ethical monotheism. He is now doing what he wants to do, and what is right. There is no greater combination. I think this is truly what the modeh ani is asking for. We are asking Hashem to guide us in the right path so that we can grow and do what’s right so that one day, that will be what we want to do.

As a side note, something very important that Avraham learns is that Hashem is always with him. Also today, we all know that as Jews Hashem will be with us. If you look at the word Jew you will understand why. It comes from the word Yehuda. The “yud” at the beginning signifies Hashem’s name showing that without Hashem we, the Jews, would not exist. He is an essential part of who we are. Avraham is the beginning of that line. He is called the first Jew because, as we learned in class, he is the first one to truly believe in Hashem enough to leave and chase after the one true G-d.

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