Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Promise

Hashem told Avraham that he should go with Him and He will take Avraham to a land that he will show him. Avraham took his wife, Lot, and his belongings and went to the land. Avraham got to the land which was Cana'an. Hashem promised to Avraham that he would become great, wealthy, known, blessed, a source of blessing, everyone that blesses him will be blessed and everyone that curses him will be cursed, and that he will be the leader of a great nation, and have many kids, as many that he will not even be able to count how many. Avraham runs into many predicaments that causes him to rethink if the promise will ever be fulfilled. Every time that this happens Hashem has to reassure him that the promise will come true and he doesn't have to worry.


  1. Didn't Avraham first go to Schem and not Cana'an?

  2. Orly- שכם is a city inside of כנען.

  3. I would just like to point out how much bravery it takes to do something like this. Imagine someone telling you to pick up all ypur things and go somewhere you have never been and teach controversial things to people you have never met before,and not knowing where you are going either. I for one would probably go nuts. This just shows us Avraham's immense faith in G-d like he has shown before with Akeidas Yitzchak and all his other tests.
