Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jepardizing the Relationship

In Perek 18, G-d tells Avraham that He plans on destorying the city of Sedom. You would think after all that Avraham has gone through he would just trust G-d and know that this was necessary to fulfill G-d's plan for the world. Avraham had spent most of his life believing in a G-d that no one else did. He had no solid proof, yet he was never persuaded to worship idols or lost faith in G-d. After G-d finally speaks to Avraham, He promises him that his name will be great, his descendants will be a great nation, and they will be given the land of Israel/Canaan. Avraham has to go through tests to prove himself to G-d, and G-d has to reassure Avraham of His promise several times. G-d proves to Avraham that He is the real G-d and He will make a great life for Avraham and his descendants. Avraham and G-d have developed a relationship.
It took time and effort from G-d and Avraham to develop this kind of relationship. This just shows how interesting it is when Avraham basically tells G-d that His plan is unjust and should not be carried out. We know that Avraham has complete faith in G-d, so why is he second-guessing G-d's plan? If G-d says this is what needs to happen, then who is Avraham to say this is unnecessary and wrong? G-d could have easily reprimanded Avraham for criticizing His plan and not showing complete faith in G-d.
This all just shows what an amazing role model Avraham is for the Jewish people. He was willing to risk his relationship with G-d by making G-d 'angry'. Avraham was not able to stand aside and watch as these people, even if they were evil and immoral, be killed. In Pasuk 24, Avraham asks G-d if He will destroy the city if Avraham can find 50 righteous men there. G-d tells him that He wouldn't. Sedom was known for being home to wicked, immoral people. Even Avraham probably knew that he couldn't find 50 righteous men there. Just the fact that he was going to try shows that he is a true role model of Tzedek and Mishpat.

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