Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Prompt for this week's blog

How would you use what we have learned/discussed this week about Perek Aleph in Bereishit to answer someone who asked you a question about the role of G-d in the creation of the world? What other questions do you have about the role of G-d in the world that you might like to have the Torah address?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome to Chumash 9/10!

In an effort to encourage collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking, each week you will be responsible to write one new blog post and to respond to one blog post from your classmates. In order to hold you accountable, you will be graded on these posts!

If there is a prompt on the blog, you will be required to respond to that particular prompt in your post (the prompt could be a video, article, question, cartoon etc.). If there is no prompt, you can be creative in your post and can bring in your own thoughts or resources concerning the topic that we are studying during that particular week.

I look forward to using this blog as a means to share ideas and reflections as we embark on our study of Chumash.